For Veterinarians

We Support You and Your Veterinary Practice.

There is no better compliment than to be chosen as your preferred hospital for referral. As our local colleagues, we have the utmost respect for you and the relationship you have with your clients. Our goal is for any visit to Allied to be a positive reflection of your commitment to your patients.

We pride ourselves on responsive communication and you are always welcome to reach out to a member of our team for guidance or to discuss a referral.

To make a referral, please complete this form with pertinent information about your patient.

Access Your Patients’ Medical Records

Please note that for each of our locations you will need to set up access and the same username and password can be used.

If you have not yet set up your account on the Patient Portal, please take a moment to look through our Patient Portal Guide.

Sign Up for The Allied Ally

The Allied Ally is our monthly enewsletter for the veterinary community. Receive valuable insights, continuing education opportunities, and practical tools to enhance collaborative care for your patients. Sign up below!

The Allied Ally Newsletter

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